Saturday, July 9, 2011

We went to Indiana for the 4th of July

Kate testing out her Grandpa's boat!

Sidewalk chalk with Keaton and Landon :)

Landon making Kate giggle!

Ending the night with fireworks for the Red, White and Blue

Friday, April 22, 2011

We Met our Niece Kate Last Weekend!!

She was 8 weeks old that Monday.

Snuggly with Brett

First Family Portrait. In her Easter Dress!

Chillin' in her crib.

Laughing at Uncle Brett

Ah, pictures are boring. ;)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Last Week was Spring Break For Kokomo--we got a few visitors

Brett got dressed up for a work golf tourney

We checked out Honeymoon Island

I happened to look like Dorothy ;)

We went out on the pier in St. Pete!

I started a drawing and Brett finished it...