Saturday, July 9, 2011

We went to Indiana for the 4th of July

Kate testing out her Grandpa's boat!

Sidewalk chalk with Keaton and Landon :)

Landon making Kate giggle!

Ending the night with fireworks for the Red, White and Blue

Friday, April 22, 2011

We Met our Niece Kate Last Weekend!!

She was 8 weeks old that Monday.

Snuggly with Brett

First Family Portrait. In her Easter Dress!

Chillin' in her crib.

Laughing at Uncle Brett

Ah, pictures are boring. ;)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Last Week was Spring Break For Kokomo--we got a few visitors

Brett got dressed up for a work golf tourney

We checked out Honeymoon Island

I happened to look like Dorothy ;)

We went out on the pier in St. Pete!

I started a drawing and Brett finished it...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Vegas last week, Vail last weekend!

We've had a busy past couple of months....

Our One Year Anniversary!!

Anniversary Dinner at Bern's

The Florida State Fair!

The Strawberry Festival!

Make your own Strawberry Shortcake!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

We were under a tornado watch on Monday

This is my fav, I experimented with the setting on my camera and got this awesome color, also, the swirly waters look pretty cool.

The ducks were going crazy!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Oh Yeah there was Christmas

Brett had Skyline Cravings

Ice Skating Downtown!

Gooch Family pic

For our First Christmas together, I gave him a guitar

Footie Pajamas! haha

Christmas Dinner

Baby girl 32 weeks along!

Funny golf covers

We both got silky pjs for Christmas